The Omnia oven VS the Petromax oven
Which nomadic oven to choose for cooking on a road trip and while camping?

Cooking with an oven in a van or any other place where there is no oven, yes, it is possible! Some brands have done amazing and innovative work to make cooking easy on the go by creating portable and compact ovens. Your taste buds will no longer be bored during your road trips. ;)

Today there are two nomadic ovens. They are both available in our Casambu selection.

You are surely wondering what the differences are between these ovens and which one to choose and we are here to answer your questions and to describe these portable camping ovens in detail. You will also find a comparison to determine which oven is the one that suits you best.

1. How it works

The two existing auxiliary ovens work in the same way. The portable oven is suitable for use both inside and outside your converted vehicle. It can be placed on any type of fire (gas stove, electric plates, etc.) except on induction plates. Placed on a grill, they can also be used on the embers of a campfire.

These portable ovens make it possible to prepare all possible and imaginable dishes: gratins, cakes, quiches, lasagna and many others. Can you already smell the smell of cake fresh out of a nomadic oven? A true delight!

Nomadic ovens are designed in three parts and allow optimal heat distribution.

  1. The base , with a hole in the center, is in direct contact with the heat which it diffuses towards the upper part, the mould.
  2. The mold , where the food is placed, also has a central chimney in order to receive this heat and cook the preparation.
  3. The lid , placed above the mould, keeps the ideal temperature in the appliance while creating ventilation.

Cooking times are more or less equivalent between a traditional oven and a portable oven. A few tens of minutes later, it's already ready. Enjoy your food ! :)

2. The two nomadic ovens of the vanlife market

Omnia oven VS Petromax oven

If the operation of nomadic ovens is the same, each has its own specificities. That's why we offer you a comparison of the two compact ovens on the vanlife market: the Omnia oven and the Petromax oven.


1. The Omnia oven

Oven Omnia

This oven was created by Omnia, a Swedish brand. It has been around for decades and has convinced many travelers and lovers of good food.

Its +

  • The Omnia oven is compact and light. It takes up little space in converted vehicles.
  • The brand offers many accessories to optimize the use of the oven: silicone or ceramic moulds, thermometer, cooking grid, recipe book, etc.

To find out more, see our blog post dedicated to the Omnia portable oven.

Omnia price

The Omnia oven is sold at a price of €45.90.

Buy the Omnia oven and its accessories


2. The Petromax oven

Petromax oven

Designed by the German brand Petromax, this oven is the new kid on the market.

Its +

  • The Petromax oven is entirely made of stainless steel.
  • It is possible to add a second cooking plate to the oven , which allows you to cook two dishes at the same time. On this side, it is even possible to grill and crisp the preparations.
  • Its top and side handles make it very easy to handle.

Petromax price
The Petromax oven is sold at a price of €69.90.

Buy the Petromax oven


3. The three differences between the Omnia oven and the Petromax oven

Despite their similar operation, these two ovens have some differences. We detail them right here.

1. The size : the Omnia oven is smaller since it measures 25 centimeters in diameter while the Petromax oven has a diameter of 41 centimeters. The choice must then be made according to the space available for cooking food in your vehicle and the quantities of food to be prepared.

2. The weight : if the size of these ovens is not the same, one can suspect, their weight isn't either. The Petromax oven (larger) weighs 1.64 kg vs. 500 grams for the Omnia oven.

3. Materials : the Omnia oven is made of aluminum except for its base, which is made of stainless steel. The Petromax oven is made from 100% stainless steel.



So, have you made your choice? :)

You now have all the information you need to choose between the Omnia portable oven and the Petromax camping oven. You can then embark on the preparation of tasty dishes during your stays in a van, fitted out van, or motorhome while camping!

Do not hesitate to share with us your nomadic cooking tips but also your best recipes. That way we can all enjoy it! ;)

April 17, 2024 — Noa Lambert


Nathalie said:

Bonjour, Suite à votre article très intéressant, mon choix se fait pour le four Dimego mais je n’ai vu aucun accessoire pour ce four Dimego, comme une grille qui me semble indispensable. La grille du four omnia ou le moule silicone de Omnia, serait-il compatible avec le four Dimego? Avez vos pu tester? d’avance merci beaucoup

Odile ROUSSEAU said:

Bonjour. Existe-t-il des accessoires compatibles avec le four DIMEGO de PETROMAX ? Par avance merci

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