Blog - Casambu // Barbecue Safari Chef de Cadac : Comment choisir ?


Cadac Safari Chef Barbecues: How to choose?

Find out which Cadac Safari Chef barbecue best suits your outdoor dining needs with all this information.

August 06, 2024


Omnia oven versus Petromax oven: what to choose?

We detail the differences between these two auxiliary mini-ovens. So you will know which camping oven to choose, thank you Casambu! :)

April 17, 2024


4 One Pot recipes for your road trips

The advantages of these One Pot recipes (in addition to being delicious): quick, with few utensils and above all, with few dishes! Good little all-in-one meals are yours without spending hours in the kitchen! ;)

June 19, 2023


6 recipes for the Omnia oven

Easy, quick (and delicious!) recipes to make in your Omnia oven that will allow you to prepare great meals on your van trips. Meat, fish, vegetables, desserts... there's something for everyone!

May 31, 2023
Blog Vanlife_20 accessoires favoris pour les road trips


Our 15 favorite Vanlife accessories

We share with you the accessories that we love and that we cannot do without when we go on road trips. Like us, you will surely fall in love with these vanlife accessories! ;)

April 17, 2023
Fours Omnia


The Omnia oven: everything you need to know

The Casambu team presents one of its favorite products, the Omnia oven. You will know everything about this extra mini-oven which allows you to cook good meals on the road.


February 14, 2023


10 tips for cooking in a van

Cooking in a confined space is not always easy. And yet...with a little organization, you can prepare meals just like at home!

January 13, 2022
Cuisiner en van - Equipement et accessoires indispensables


10 essential kitchen accessories

With the right gear, it's possible to stay very minimalist and cook great meals on trips and road trips. We share with you our (non-exhaustive) list of essential accessories for cooking in a van.

January 05, 2022


The road trip Banana Cake Our favorite recipe using the Omnia oven. Tested and approved many times, you will love it ( we hope :) ).
December 09, 2021
Casambu_Recette Smores


S’mores? Never heard of it? That's normal :). S'mores are THE American specialty for evenings around the fire! Aurel shares his recipe for your next evenings in the van (or in front of the fireplace!)
November 02, 2021