4 One Pot Recipes for Camping and Vanlife

Do you know the One Pot ?

One Pot is a cooking technique that involves cooking all the ingredients of a dish in the same pot/pan/casserole.

The first One Pot recipes popularized (especially on social networks) were pasta dishes. But with the same idea, you can also prepare rice, lentils or quinoa!

You can imagine that One Pot all-in-one preparations are perfect for vanlife and camping... Indeed, these camping recipes allow you to prepare meals easily without needing a lot of utensils and above all... they allow you not to having to do too many dishes once the meal is finished (and therefore not using too much water!).

Personally, we love it… One saucepan and that’s it! ;)

Our 4 One pot camping recipes:

1. One pot pasta with zucchini, tomatoes and goat cheese
2. One pot macaroni and meat
3. One pot rice with mushrooms and tomato
4. One pot broccoli and lentil curry

1. One pot pasta with zucchini, tomatoes and goat cheese

One Pot Zucchini, Tomato, Goat Cheese Recipe


- 200g pasta of your choice
- 2 cloves of garlic (or garlic powder)
- 300g zucchini
- 20 cherry tomatoes
- Basil
- 60g goat cheese
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper


  1. Rinse the cherry tomatoes and zucchini. Cut the zucchini into small cubes and the cherry tomatoes in half. Peel and chop the garlic cloves with the basil leaves.
  2. In a saucepan, heat a drizzle of olive oil and quickly brown the chopped garlic .
  3. Add the vegetables and pasta, mix well then add 50cl of water.
  4. Bring to the boil and allow around ten minutes of cooking (varies depending on the pasta). The liquid should be absorbed and the pasta al dente.
  5. Remove from the heat, add the goat cheese in small pieces, salt and pepper and mix.

A recipe and photo from Amandine Cooking

2. One pot macaroni with minced meat and tomatoes

One Pot recipe with meat and tomato


- 650g of ground beef
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 300g of macaroni or other short pasta
- 750 ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon of oregano
- A can of cubed tomatoes
- Basil
- A bag of cubed mozzarella
- 50g grated parmesan
- Olive oil
- Salt


  1. In a large saucepan, brown the meat in a little olive oil until browned.
  2. Then add all the other ingredients except the parmesan (to be added just before serving). All ingredients must be immersed in water.
  3. Heat over medium-high heat, bring to a boil and cook uncovered, stirring regularly. Cook for the number of minutes indicated by the pasta manufacturer, plus one minute.

A Zest recipe 

3. One pot rice with mushrooms and tomato

One Pot Rice with Mushrooms and Tomatoes Recipe


- 50g of rice per person
- Tomato coulis
- Mushrooms of Paris
- Chicken/vegetable broth
- Pitted green olives
- Parmesan shavings
- A teaspoon of garlic powder
- Water
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper

If you wish, you can add chicken cutlets which will have to be cooked separately and added at the end of the preparation.


  1. In a hot, oiled pan, pour the basmati rice rinsed with cool water.
  2. On top, pour around 35 cl of tomato coulis and place around ten fresh button mushrooms cut into strips.
  3. To enhance the flavor of your one pot rice, add jellied chicken stock and pitted green olives cut in half. Season with a teaspoon of garlic powder , salt, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.
  4. Add two large glasses of water and cook until the rice is firm or softer depending on your taste. Garnish with parmesan shavings then serve your homemade one pot rice immediately!

A recipe from @not_so_superflu described by CuisineAZ

4. One pot broccoli and lentil curry

One Pot Lentil and Broccoli Curry Recipe


- 250g dry green lentils
- 250g carrots
- 300g broccoli
- 1 yellow onion
- 20cl of coconut milk
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- Curry
- Olive or rapeseed oil


  1. Cut the onion , peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Cut the broccoli into florets.
  2. Put a drizzle of oil in your pan and brown the onion for 2 minutes. Add the lentils , carrots , broccoli and crumbled broth and mix everything together.
  3. Add 25 cl of water and 20 cl of coconut milk.
  4. Season to taste and mix well then cook for 20 minutes. Feel free to extend the cooking time depending on your lentils.

A recipe from Cuisine Addict


We don't know about you, but these quick and easy recipes make us hungry! We hope you like them and that they will delight your taste buds on your next road trips.

To always have these all-in-one recipes at your fingertips, we have created a document bringing them together for you to download right here.

Download One Pot recipes for your road trips

If you need more tips for cooking in a van , discover our blog article dedicated to cooking in a van, camper van and camper van.

Tips and tricks for cooking in a van


June 19, 2023 — Noa Lambert

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