Hanging grid for tripod
The suspended grill from the famous German brand Petromax allows you to cook outdoors with a portable fire pit or a barbecue equipped with a tripod.
Easy to use , simply hang the grid on its three chains and hang it from the tripod. This installation gives you perfect stability when cooking to prepare delicious meals. Thanks to its large size , you can cook many recipes.
Very practical , you can adjust the power of the fire and obtain the desired cooking thanks to the adjustable chains connected to the tripod. You will be able to cook in different ways depending on the meals you want to prepare.
Designed for the outdoors , the suspended grill will make a natural pendulum movement to expose your meal to the fire at intervals and also to cook your food gently.
The raised edge of the grill prevents food from falling into the fire.
The suspended grill offers barbecue-like cooking. The food will thus take on the aroma of cooking over a wood fire . The meats and vegetables will have the typical grill marks while remaining juicy and soft.
The grill and its chains are designed in chrome steel and galvanized steel , which makes it effective against the heat of the fire in order to offer you an optimal experience.