15 Vanlifers and 100% Vanlife accounts to follow in 2024.

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Vanlife!

On social networks and particularly on Instagram, thousands of photos and videos highlight converted vans and road trips in a van, converted van or camper van. Each publication, more inspiring than the last, is shared daily by passionate travelers from all over the world.

We have prepared for you a (non-exhaustive) list of 15 French Vanlifers accounts to follow in 2024 that we met during the various Vanlife events.

They share with passion their road trips in a van, their adventures and adventures, their favorites and their good tips.
Some have braved the unknown by abandoning everything to live fully on the roads, while others juggle travel and a sedentary life, taking advantage of every moment of freedom during weekends and vacations.
Some have fitted out their van from A to Z , others are in the process of fitting it out, while some are already traveling the world in vans ready for adventure.

➞ Whether they are constantly on the move or have temporarily left their luggage, everyone shares the same passion for nomadic travel, road trips, minimalism and adventure.

Explore this list and get inspired by these travelers' Vanlife adventures. You will discover sincere and authentic stories (which will perhaps make you want to go on a road trip? :))

In this Blog article, you will discover 15 accounts of vanlifers to follow in 2024 who embody and reflect the reality of Vanlife.

1. In Vanlife Simone

    En Vanlife Simone - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

    Amélie , a nurse, and Antho , a physiotherapist, decided to put their careers on hold in order to devote themselves to Vanlife and take care of themselves. With their Renault Trafic L1H1 (named "Simone") which they have adapted themselves, they travel the roads of Europe, already crossing more than 30 countries.

    Between two trips, they return temporarily to resume their “sedentary life” and practice their respective professions. They are always looking for a balance between their road trips and their life in France, but are always up for new adventures.

    They share behind the scenes of Vanlife to show that everything is possible even in the face of the adventures that can sometimes happen.


    To follow them:

      2. Nomad'Vanture

      Nomad'Vanture - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

      Léa and Paul are a couple passionate about travel and vanlife who returned from more than a year of road trip in Europe aboard “Marcelino”, a red Citroën Jumper L2H2 from 2016.

      They wrote a book “Aménager son Van” , created travel guides and launched an e-shop NomadVanture where they sell 100% French, eco-responsible and zero-waste products such as reusable wipes, washable sponges, etc. (also available on our Casambu.com e-shop :))

      Since their return at the end of 2023, they have embarked on fitting out a new van ( “work in progress” ), which is also a white Citroën Jumper L2H2 from 2018 and which is aptly named “Snow”.

      They share their daily life in a van , their favorites during their road trips and the layout of their two vans , which they do themselves and also give several tips to help you create yours.


      To follow them:

        3. Windows on the world
        Des Fenêtres Sur Le Monde - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

        Joana and Éric are two fervent followers of vanlife. As a couple, they have been traveling the world in their 1984 orange VW Westfalia named “Popo” since 2015.

        2 years later, they bought a blue VW Westfalia bus from 1978 called "Toaster" in order to keep "Popo" company and be able to alternate road trips with their two vans, completely renovated by themselves (and they are magnificent!).

        Joana and Eric are currently on a road trip on the Panamerican and regularly share (magnificent) photos of their road trip and stories from each adventure on Instagram and superb videos on their Youtube channel.

        They also wrote a superb book for traveling in France “France: Road trip in a Van” in which they bring together their itineraries and practical advice for all those who wish to (re)discover France.

        You can also find them in the film / report “Les Nouveaux Nomades” by Coflocs.


        To follow them:

        4. Sweet adventurer

        Douce Baroudeuse - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

        Virginie (or Virg for short) left everything in 2021 to live a year and a half on the road with Simone, an L3H2 van . 3 years later, she embarked on a new adventure, fitting it out alone , from A to Z, her mini-van called “Ganesh”.

        Sweet and adventurous (hence her Insta nickname), she sincerely shares her daily life, her travels and her layout. By sharing “good vibes” and texts filled with kindness , she will be able to communicate to you the feeling of freedom through her posts.


        To follow it:

        5. Our Vintage Lives

        Our Vintage Lives - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

        Maya is a tattoo artist, Jeff is a singer. Together, this couple of artists travel in a van, particularly during their concert tours and tattoos. They are always accompanied by Mickey , their Australian Shepherd.

        In 2017, they acquired an orange VW T3 Combi named “Tikky” and also a 2002 Land Cruiser called “Mambow” with which they traveled the roads.

        Maya is preparing to leave for 4 months in Iceland aboard her 4x4 and her roof tent. A great trip ahead and we can't wait to follow his adventures.


        To follow them:

          6. THE AVANTURERS

          Les aVANturiers - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

          Salomé and Mathis are a vanlife couple who decided to leave everything after the first confinement and buy a van in order to travel the world.

          They traveled the roads of Europe with “Express” a Renault Master III L2H2 in 2020, then “Charlie” a Renault Master III L3H2 from 2017 in 2021 and “Malo” a store van renovated into a converted van in 2022.

          After these 3 developments and numerous road trips , they acquired, in 2023, a Toyota Land Cruiser HJ61 from 1988 with a lifting roof which they decided to convert to cross the American continent .

          The latter had some (bad) surprises in store for them during the layout. They are therefore reviewing their project for new adventures.

          They are passionate about upfitting vans and vans (and honestly, when we see the end result, the passion shows) and share their upcoming adventures .


          To follow them:

            7. ej.inlife76

            ej.inlife76 - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

            Emily and Jessica are a couple and travel aboard a Fiat Ducato L3H2 MultiJet named “Mozart” with whom they have shared their adventures since 2020.

            For almost a year, they converted their van into a cozy and comfortable mini house on wheels so they could hit the road. Today, they crisscross France and hit the roads of Europe , exploring every nook and cranny of these varied lands full of surprises.

            In 2022, they decide to live full-time in “Mozart” and continue to take us on a journey through their destinations in several places around the world.

            Emily and Jessica share each of their road trips and on March 10, they are preparing to leave to discover Japan , an adventure to follow…


            To follow them:

              8. Lost In Van

              Lost In Van - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

              Marine and Dylann , a road tripper couple, decided in 2022 to leave their apartment to live aboard their 2014 Opel Vivaro H1L2 which they renovated in 2021.

              With it, they set off to tour the peaks of Haute-Savoie, then decided to go on a tour of Europe for several months.

              In 2023, they buy and renovate a Fiat Ducato to return to Greece where they are still there today. They regularly share their spots and discoveries with us (don’t worry, they also share with us the less “glamorous” side of vanlife).


              To follow them:

                9. Life is a trip

                Life Is A Trip - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

                Lise , Bastien and Titou , their four-legged companion, left everything to live year-round in their van fitted out to tour Europe.

                Passionate about travel , they created the 100% digital “Life is a trip” travel guides and travel across Europe to write the guides and to share their favorites and good deals.

                In 2023, they are launching their travel diary store specially designed for motorhomes, vans and converted vans in which you will find itineraries throughout Europe, taking into account parking, autonomy and the desire for freedom .

                Today, they continue to go on road trips aboard their VW T5 4x4 in order to fill their travel diaries as much as possible to share with you as many good tips as possible .


                To follow them:

                10. The 4 wanderers

                The 4 Vandrouilleurs - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

                Ludovic and Steph travel with their two teenagers Maxence and Maëlie aboard their converted Renault Trafic , visiting magical places, mainly in France.

                This family of Vanlifeurs usually travels during vacations and weekends to create as many memories as possible. They share behind the scenes of vanlife , and especially behind the scenes of traveling with 4 in 5m2 (with 2 teenagers).


                To follow them:

                  11. The Boby Bus

                  The Boby Bus - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

                  Mégane and Mathieu travel in their VW T3 called “Bobybus” which they converted themselves. In 2022, they decide to sell their house and embark on a “Tour of Europe of no return” with their dog Nesta .

                  After fitting out their first van and a road trip of several months in Scandinavia , they are back to fit out a second van “Joey” (work in progress) in order to get back on the roads.

                  They share their adventures on the roads and the arrangements of their new traveling home to travel the world.


                  To follow them:

                  Instagram , YouTube


                  12. Foxy The Van

                  Foxy The Van - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

                  Matthew and Anne-Sophie, a couple, are going on a road trip accompanied by their cat Morty and their dog Pixie without forgetting “Foxy” their converted van, a Nissan Primastar .

                  After setting up their own van and completing a tour of Europe of more than 58,000 km , they settled in Saint-Malo. Since then, they travel mainly during weekends and holidays .

                  They share breathtaking photos that make you want to leave everything and go on an adventure too. ​​


                  To follow them:

                    13. Vanlife Goes On

                    Vanlife Goes On - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

                    Chloé is a vanlifer who has made numerous road trips in France, Spain and Iceland with her Synchro VW T3 from 1986. In 2023, she decides to go with Julien , her boyfriend, to Canada to travel the Panamerican .

                    Freelance, she works as a photographer and content creator . She shares her road trips , her travels and her adventures with Julien and their (magnificent) dog named Tofu . Today, they plan to emigrate to Canada for an indefinite period.

                    She also wrote 2 books “Drive Your Adventure: La France en Van” in collaboration with We Van (on sale on our e-shop :)).


                    To follow them:

                    Instagram , Facebook , Blog

                      14. Gisèle Tour

                      Gisele Tour - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

                      Déborah, as a couple with Anthony (also a vanlifer), made her very first road trips aboard “Gaston”, a Peugeot Expert . She subsequently bought a Renault Kangoo named “Gisele” which she also converted and traveled the French regions with.

                      Following his meeting with Anthony from @Vantracer, they bought and renovated , “Minot” a Trafic Motorhome to resume their road trip and continue to travel around France. She also decided to keep “Gisele” as her everyday vehicle in order to go to work quietly or to go on a mini solo road trip.

                      Together, they post and share their adventures with humorous texts and go on a road trip accompanied by Bony and Thao (Déborah's cat & dog) and Louna (Anthony's dog).


                      To follow them:

                      And of course…

                      15. Casambu

                      Casambu Official - 15 Vanlifers to follow on Instagram in 2024 - blog

                      To follow all our news!

                      But to give a little reminder of “Who are we?” for newcomers, we are Ori & Aurel (and mini- Léonie ), a family passionate about road trips , van trips (and 100% Vanlife accessories!).

                      After a road trip of several months in Scandinavian countries , we realized how difficult it was to find suitable and good quality equipment and accessories .

                      When we returned in 2021 , we decided to leave ourselves in entrepreneurship by creating this e-shop that we would have loved to have to equip ourselves.

                      Casambu.com was born!

                      Since the launch, we have found more than 600 practical, compact , quality (and pretty) accessories to help you equip yourself. And that's just the beginning…


                      To follow us:


                        March 16, 2024 — Marie Armingol

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